Reduce Your Taxes by Putting the Right Assets in Your IRA

Most people know the basic concept that certain types of investment accounts are tax sheltered while others are not. Think 401(k), 403(b), IRA and Roth IRA accounts, for example. What most people are not aware of is how you split your investment positions between your taxable and non-taxable accounts can result in major tax savings. […]

Defining Burn Rate, Gross Burn and Net Burn

When it comes to any business, but especially for a start-up, it’s essential to determine how long a company can survive before it must declare bankruptcy and/or close its doors. The biggest metric, especially for a start-up, is to determine how much money a company has to keep its lights on. The term “burn rate” […]

Part 1: Pre-Retirement Planning Guide

One of the more insightful quotes of baseball great Yogi Berra was, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up someplace else.” When you’re young, first starting out in life and career, the path to professional success and personal fulfillment isn’t always clear. Most people start out on a track and then adjust […]

Importance of Fostering Digital Trust in Today’s Businesses

Modern business today is dominated by digital transactions and interactions. Businesses are increasingly storing customers’ personal information, which is potentially accessible without the customers’ knowledge or consent. Therefore, understanding the significance and implications of digital trust will help businesses foster it, as it is crucial for success.  What is Digital Trust? Digital trust is the […]

Funding the Government, Protecting Americans from Misuse of Data, Expanding Internet Access and Improving Recycling

Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 (HR 4366) – On March 9, the president signed the latest appropriations bill passed in time to halt a government shutdown. While this bill does authorize funding through the end of the fiscal year (Sept. 30), it only addresses six of the 12 bills necessary to fully fund the government. The […]