U.S. Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Begins

The U.S. Treasury recently enacted a new reporting requirement aimed at quashing illicit financial transactions. The agency believes that corporate anonymity is enabling money laundering, terrorism, and drug trafficking. As part of the 2021 Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), certain companies are now required to report information about their beneficial owners. The goal of the new […]

Actions Lottery Winners Should Consider

We all have those days when we dream of striking it rich with a winning lottery ticket. Never having to work again while living a life of luxury. While your chance of finding a four-leaf clover is higher than winning the lottery, we can still dream, right? And while we are dreaming, let’s talk about […]

What to Know About the Art Donation Deduction

If you would like to donate artwork to an eligible charitable organization, you might be able to take a deduction on your tax return. However, the rules are complex. There are different requirements for different values, and there are scams you want to avoid that could lead to severe consequences for taxpayers who abuse this […]

March Financial To-Do List

Ready or not, spring is right around the corner, and it’s the perfect time to get in fiscal shape for the rest of the year. However, tax preparation isn’t the only thing to put on your list. Here are a few other must-dos to keep you financially fit. Purge Your Papers After you finish your […]

Deepfakes and Social Engineering: The New Face of CEO and CFO Fraud

Technological advancements have ushered in a new era of cybercrime, with deepfakes and social engineering tactics at the forefront of fraudulent activities. CEO and CFO fraud has become increasingly widespread, posing significant threats to organizations worldwide. Understanding CEO and CFO Fraud CEO and CFO fraud involves cybercriminals impersonating executives to manipulate employees to transfer funds […]

Debating U.S. Border Policies and Foreign Aid, Providing Tax Relief Before Tax Season, and Training More Nurses

The Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act (HR 815) – Formerly known as the RELIEVE Act, this bill was originally written to improve veteran eligibility for reimbursement for emergency treatment. However, the bill was altered to incorporate the Senate’s effort to combine new U.S. border policies with aid for wars abroad. On Feb. 13, the […]